
Born as Etambuyu Thelma Luyanga in 1998, she started her Preschool in 2000 in choma then she later went to western province in 2002.While in Kaoma district, Elma did her primary education at Chilombo basic school in 2003 then thereafter she completed her education at Kaoma secondary.

According to Elma, she discovered her love and passion for music when she was in grade 3 after being chosen to be a singing leader for the culture group that she joined.

Elma is the new face of bulozi music as she has released several songs that depicts the lifestyle and culture of bulozi thereby breaching that gap and ensuring that the barotse culture is known and shared to the rest of Zambians.

Elma wants to be remembered as one of the first female artist from Western province to bring lozi songs on the map and also someone who fights for what she loves no matter what. She’s currently in third year as a midwifery student.

So i asked her on what challenges or disadvantages that she has encountered in her music, she replied ;

“Being a female artist is a challenge on it’s own because people especially Men would approach me pretending to help me but in the actual sense they need something in return from me. Other challenges that have faced is raising money for recording my music because as of now I have no sponsors”

Her Encouragement:

Youths should learn to push and fight for what they love, it may seem difficult but give it a try you never know when the doors will open. Don’t pay attention to what people will say about you and always be proud of who you are.